Monday, June 20, 2016

our miracle storm

Pictures from the Storm. President Packer wrote: " Here you are heading for the miracle after being obedient to the apostle of the Lord!"

We ran outside in a STORM last week. We were trying to be obedient to the apostle who said whether in storm or if everything was clear we must leave and get out and get going! We got soaked and even Elder Ballard made a joke that we got "baptized for the second time" it was rivers in the streets type thing. Well a miracle happened. I saw a man waiting in an underground tunnel with his baby boy. They could not walk anywhere and were going to be trapped for a long time to wait the rain out. We had two umbrellas so I just gave him one. IT was not a big deal. He was so thankful. anyway the next day he came to their english class in Kyiv. He did not tell them who he was but later the sisters there met a woman on the street while they were contacting and she could not stop thanking them for giving her husband and baby that umbrella. MAYBE THEY WILL START TAKING THE LESSONS NOW. Miracle?! YES.

Sister Karren and Sister Arnell learning perfect obedience

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